How to do IPC using Unix Domain Socket?

Hossain Adnan relay.public.adnan at
Thu Oct 10 17:10:06 UTC 2019

On Thursday, 10 October 2019 at 12:30:25 UTC, Hossain Adnan wrote:
> Here I have a program that wants to
> 1. detect whether if it's the only instance
>     1.1. it does that by trying to create a Unix Domain Socket
>     and trying to binding it to a specific address.
> 2. if a duplicate program is not running, establish an UDS
>     and then listen to the socket.
>     2.1. if any message comes through that socket, the program 
> will log the incoming message
>     2.2. otherwise it should keep listening to the socket 
> forever
> 3. if there's a duplicate program it should send a message and 
> then exit.
> Here's what I have:
> import std.socket, std.experimental.logger;
> immutable string socketAddress = "\0/tmp/com.localserver.myapp";
> void main()
> {
> 	auto socket = new 
> std.socket.Socket(std.socket.AddressFamily.UNIX,
> 			std.socket.SocketType.STREAM);
> 	auto addr = new std.socket.UnixAddress(socketAddress);
> 	auto isUnique = () {
> 		bool result;
> 		scope (success)
> 			log("returns: ", result);
> 		try
> 		{
> 			socket.bind(addr);
> 			result = true;
> 		}
> 		catch (std.socket.SocketOSException e)
> 			result = false;
> 		// else throw error
> 		return result;
> 	}();
> 	if (isUnique)
> 	{
> 		log("Unique instance detected. Listening...");
> 		// works upto now
> 		char[] buffer = [];
> 		while (1)
> 		{
> 			socket.listen(0);
> 			socket.receive(buffer);
> 			if (buffer != []) {
> 				log("Received message: ", buffer);
> 			}
> 			buffer = [];
> 		}
> 	}
> 	else
> 	{
> 		log("Duplicate instance detected.");
> 		socket.connect(addr);
> 		import std.stdio;
> 		stdout.write("Enter your message:\t");
> 		socket.send(readln());
> 		log("Message has been sent. Exiting.");
> 	}
> }
> The documentation does not seem very friendly to those who does 
> not have any experience in socket programming.

Consulted stackoverflow and came up with this:

import std.socket, std.experimental.logger;

class UDSIPC
	static immutable string socketAddress = 
	static immutable size_t messageBufferSize = 64;
	static immutable string socketAddressName = 
	Socket socket;
	UnixAddress uaddr;

	this(in string socketAddressName = socketAddressName)
		socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.UNIX, SocketType.STREAM);
		uaddr = new UnixAddress(socketAddress);

	bool getUniqueness()
		bool result;

		scope (success)
			log("returns: ", result);

			result = true;
		catch (SocketOSException e)
			result = false;

		// else throw error
		return result;

	string getMessage()
		auto receiverSocket = socket.accept();
		char[messageBufferSize] buffer;
		auto amount = receiverSocket.receive(buffer);
		import std.string;
		return format!"%s"(buffer[0 .. amount]);

	void sendMessage(in string message)


void main()
	auto ipc = new UDSIPC();

	if (ipc.getUniqueness())
		while (true)
		import std.stdio, std.string;

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