several types in one Array ?

Ron Tarrant rontarrant at
Thu Oct 17 21:30:59 UTC 2019

On Thursday, 17 October 2019 at 14:45:24 UTC, Mil58 wrote:
> Hi all...
> Does exist (or not?) a way to create array with several types 
> (as in Python)

You actually have at least three options for handling mixed data:

// Three ways to handle mixed data

import std.stdio;
import std.typecons;
import std.variant;

struct Result
	string itemName;
	int quantity;
	bool needIt;
} // struct Result

class GroceryItem
	bool _needIt;
	int _quantity;
	string _itemName;
	this(string itemName, int quantity, bool needIt)
		_itemName = itemName;
		_quantity = quantity;
		_needIt = needIt;
	} // this()
	Variant getVariant()
		return(cast(Variant)tuple(_itemName, _quantity, _needIt)); // 
use with a Variant return type

	} // getVariant()

	Tuple!(string, int, bool)getTuple()
		return(tuple(_itemName, _quantity, _needIt)); // use with a 
Tuple!(string, int, bool) return type
	} // getTuple()

	Result getStruct()
		Result result = {_itemName, _quantity, _needIt};

	} // getStruct()

	void set(bool needIt)
		_needIt = needIt;
	} // set()
} // class GroceryItem

void main(string[] args)
	GroceryItem[] groceryList;
	GroceryItem item1 = new GroceryItem("Paper Towels", 1, true);
	groceryList ~= item1;
	GroceryItem item2 = new GroceryItem("Bread", 2, true);
	groceryList ~= item2;
	GroceryItem item3 = new GroceryItem("Butter", 1, false);
	groceryList ~= item3;
	GroceryItem item4 = new GroceryItem("Milk", 1, true);
	groceryList ~= item4;
	GroceryItem item5 = new GroceryItem("Potato Chips", 3, false);
	groceryList ~= item5;
	GroceryItem item6 = new GroceryItem("Pickles", 4, true);
	groceryList ~= item6;
	writeln("Returning variants...");
	foreach(groceryItem; groceryList)

	writeln("Returning tuples...");
	foreach(groceryItem; groceryList)

	writeln("Returning structs...");
	foreach(groceryItem; groceryList)

} // main()


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