Uploading coverage to Codecov doesn't work

user1234 user1234 at 12.de
Wed Jul 8 19:36:33 UTC 2020

On Wednesday, 8 July 2020 at 15:55:58 UTC, Mitacha wrote:
> Hello there,
> I've been trying to setup bitbucket pipelines to submit 
> coverage to codecov, but with no luck.
> I use `dub run -b unittest-cov` and it generates .lst files 
> correctly, then `bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) -t 
> $CODECOV_TOKEN` is called, but all I get is:
> ```
> ==> Bitbucket detected.
>     project root: .
>     Yaml not found, that's ok! Learn more at 
> http://docs.codecov.io/docs/codecov-yaml
> ==> Running gcov in . (disable via -X gcov)
> ==> Python coveragepy not found
> ==> Searching for coverage reports in:
>     + .
> --> No coverage report found.
>     Please visit http://docs.codecov.io/docs/supported-languages
> ```
> No reports were uploaded.
> The thing I'm concerned about is "--> No coverage report 
> found.". I checked and token is supplied. I ran same commands 
> locally and get same result.
> Is there some magic configuration in yaml file necessary, to 
> make that work?

You may have to specify the folder where the lst files are 
created. THis is done in the config file. Once I had to do this 
because I used 

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