What would be the advantage of using D to port some games?

JN 666total at wp.pl
Tue Jul 21 21:49:18 UTC 2020

On Wednesday, 24 June 2020 at 18:53:34 UTC, matheus wrote:
> Hi, I currently use D for small CLI/Batch apps, before that I 
> used to program in C.
> Despite of using D I usually program like C but with the 
> advantage of: GC, AA, CTFE and a few classes here and there.
> As we can see there are a lot of old classic games source 
> available like: DOOM, Duke Nukem 3D, Red Alert and most them 
> written originally in C/C++.
> What I'd like to know from the experts is: What would be the 
> advantage of using D to port such games?
> Thanks in advance,
> Matheus.

The advantage is that you have a fun programming project and a 
challenge. And you don't have to worry about being stuck on the 
code or art side, because all those are ready for you, you just 
have to rewrite it in a different language.

Also, when finished, it makes for a fun blog post about 
challenges of porting C/C++ code to D and which parts were 
simplified using D features.

I was thinking of porting something like Doom to D also (DooD?), 
but never got around to it. I guess one could start with a 
betterC port too.

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