vibe.d: is it possible to use bare HTML with the functionalty of DIET templates ?

Adam D Ruppe destructionator at
Tue Aug 31 02:17:49 UTC 2021

On Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 00:09:14 UTC, someone wrote:
> Can I use vibe.d *without* DIET templates manually writing say, 
> XHTML 1.1 pages, *while having D* at my disposal with the - 
> prefixes I have seen so far ?

I don't know much about vibe.d (I have my own D web stuff) but 
just for fun I wanted to try passing my dom.d through the ctfe 
engine to do the embedded code thing.

50ish lines for the basic extractor i slapped together in 20 mins.


import arsd.dom;

string toD(string s) {
	return `append(` ~ "`" ~ s ~ "`" ~ `);`;

template loadTemplateMixin(string doc) {
	string helper() {
		Document document = new Document;
		document.parseSawAspCode = (string) => true;

		string code;

		void expand(Element element) {
			if(auto asp = cast(AspCode) element) {
				if(asp.source.length > 3 && asp.source[1] == '=')
					code ~= `append(` ~ asp.source[2 .. $-1] ~ `);`;
					code ~= asp.source[1 .. $-1];
			} else if(auto tn = cast(TextNode) element) {
				code ~= toD(tn.toString());
			} else if(auto sn = cast(SpecialElement) element) {
				code ~= toD(sn.toString());
			} else {
				code ~= toD("<" ~ element.tagName);
				foreach(k, v; element.attributes) {
					code ~= toD(" ");
					code ~= toD(k.htmlEntitiesEncode);
					code ~= toD("=\"");
					code ~= toD(v.htmlEntitiesEncode);
					code ~= toD("\"");

				code ~= toD(">");
				foreach(child; element.children)
				code ~= toD("</" ~ element.tagName ~ ">");


		return code;

	enum loadTemplateMixin = helper();


// this could be in a file import("file.html") too btw
enum doc = `<html><script> foo</script><style>css</style><test 
id="main"><%= my_string[0 .. 5] %></test>
	<% foreach(item; strings)

void main() {

	string html;

// and it can see these variables in the <% %> blocks
string my_string = "hello world";

	string[] strings = ["omg", "wtf", "lol"];

	void append(string s) {
		html ~= s;


	import std.stdio;


Not exactly the fastest compile though but I could prolly 
optimize that if i spent a lil more time on it.

Now that it yields a string though you can return that to vibe 
using whatever method it uses.

Also note that you get a compile error on malformed input xhtml 

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