No rdmd.exe in /bin64 on Windows - is this an issue?

Scotpip geoff at
Mon Jul 12 23:57:37 UTC 2021

Hi guys

Just installed the DMD 2.097.0 .exe download for Windows on my 64 
bit Win 10 workstation.

The install created a Path to the ../bin64 folder and $dmd runs 

But there was no $rdmd on the bin64 path. The only version of 
rdmd.exe is in the bin folder.

I added this to my path and it runs, but are there any 
implications for building 64 bit apps? I haven't dug into the 
language yet, so would appreciate advice.

Seems to me that either way this is a usability glitch - either 
the right version of rmd.exe is missing from the distro, or 
you're not adding the /bin path during the install, and it's not 
mentioned on the getting started page.

Given that this will be the first encounter with the language for 
many users, you might want to consider addressing this to create 
a good first impression?

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