Asking for D solution

jfondren julian.fondren at
Thu Jun 10 05:49:42 UTC 2021

On Monday, 7 June 2021 at 23:40:52 UTC, Alexander Tretyak wrote:
> And now I'm looking for people who can translate this task into 
> other languages (D, Rust, Swift, etc.), and then I will compare 
> all implementations by code readability and by performance.
> So, can someone provide the most idiomatic D solution to this 
> task?
> I can pay for that (not very much though).

This isn't quite what you're asking for, so no need to pay:

This adds tests.d which is written in the style of, and
pqmarkup_lite.d which is written in the style (with more 
required) of pqmarkup_lite1.nim. So this is more of a 
demonstration of
D's range than of particularly idiomatic D.

Due to some mistakes that I made while rewriting the Nim, this 
is still failing seven(+2) of the tests. You can run it through 
tests with one of



   dmd -i -run tests.d pqmarkup_lite.d

I welcome anyone else taking the D and improving on it.

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