Nice example for operator overload resulting in readable linear algebra expressions

Martin Tschierschke mt at
Fri Nov 19 09:53:03 UTC 2021

I just want to share a view lines of code.
The availability of operator overloading can result in very short 
and precise code for linear algebra.
To test/explore it a little I just modified the alias this 
#!/usr/bin/env rdmd
struct Point
     double[2] p;
     // Forward all undefined symbols to p
     alias p this;
     auto opBinary(string op)(Point rhs)
         static if (op == "+")
             Point ret;
             ret[0] = p[0] + rhs.p[0];
             ret[1] = p[1] + rhs.p[1];
             return ret;
         else static if (op == "-")
             Point ret;
             ret[0] = p[0] - rhs.p[0];
             ret[1] = p[1] - rhs.p[1];
             return ret;
         else static if (op == "*")
             return p[0] * rhs.p[0] + p[1] * rhs.p[1];
             static assert(0, "Operator " ~ op ~ " not 

void main()
     import std.stdio;// : writefln,write;

     // Point behaves like a `double[2]` ...
     Point p1, p2;
     p1 = [2, 1], p2 = [1, 1];
     // ... but with extended functionality
     writef("p1*(p1 + p2) = %s*(%s + %s) =", p1, p1, p2);
     write(p1 * (p1 + p2)); // compare this to code without 
operator overload:

Compare: ``p1 * (p1 + p2)`` to something with a structure like 
(With the Dlangs UFCS it might become: ```` )

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