Looking to get typeof parseXML return value

jfondren julian.fondren at gmail.com
Tue Sep 7 04:40:25 UTC 2021

On Tuesday, 7 September 2021 at 04:13:08 UTC, Chris Piker wrote:
> Any ideas on how to get the return type of `parseXML` below:
> ```
> import dxml.parser;
> const(char)[] _mmfile;
> //_mmfile initialization
> TYPE??? _entityRng = parseXML!(simpleXML)(_mmfile);
> ```
> *before* calling parseXML, so that it can be a class member 
> variable?

Here's a quick script:

#! /usr/bin/env dub
/++ dub.sdl:
     dependency "dxml" version="0.4.0"
import dxml.parser;
import std.stdio : writeln;

struct SomeXML {
     EntityRange!(simpleXML, string) xml;

struct Again {
     typeof(parseXML!simpleXML("")) xml;

void main() {
     auto xml = parseXML!simpleXML("<x><y></y></x>");
     pragma(msg, typeof(xml)); // compile time
     writeln(typeid(xml)); // runtime

     SomeXML some = SomeXML(xml);
     foreach (_; 0 .. 4) {
     auto again = Again(xml);

EntityRange have two template parameters, a Config with four 
flags (where simpleXML has all flags set to yes) and the type of 
the forward range supplying characters to be parsed. So, 
`EntityRange!(simpleXML, string)` works as a type of those are 
really what you'll be using, `typeof(parseXML!simpleXML(""))` 
works as a type by seeing what type parseXML returns when invoked 
like that.

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