malloc error when trying to assign the returned pointer to a struct field

rempas rempas at
Sat Sep 9 09:21:32 UTC 2023

On Saturday, 9 September 2023 at 08:54:14 UTC, Brad Roberts wrote:
> I'm pretty sure this is your problem.  You're allocating size 
> bytes which is only going to work where sizeof(T) == 1.  
> Changing to malloc(size * sizeof(T)) is likely going to work 
> better.

Oh man!!!! That was it! I had forget about that! Funny enough, 
the reallocation tests I do letter when expanding the vector do 
include that but I had forgot to place it in the new (because I 
had the an old one and it included this) constructor I had made 
that only allocates memory!

Now, if only one could expect how and why "libc" knows that and 
doesn't just care to give me the memory I asked it for? Or it 
could be than D does something additional without telling us? 
Which can explain when this memory is only present when I assign 
the value to the "this._ptr` field!

Hope I don't have other memory related errors until I finish the 

How can I thank you????

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