not operator operator..

Georg Wrede georg.wrede at
Tue Apr 4 15:23:03 PDT 2006

Anders F Björklund wrote:
> S. Chancellor wrote:
>> I didn't say I wanted to program in AppleScript. :P  I hate mixing
>> symbols and words.  This is terrible.  I'd rather redefine all the
>> equal set and comparison operators.  The whole point of the 
>> is-operator is equivalence, unfortunately there's no triple bar
>> symbol.
> Sure there is. ≡ in Unicode (\u2261), or === in plain ASCII. It's
> just that it was removed from the language in DMD 0.126 ?

If D really _demands_ source code to be in UTF, then there is no excuse 
for avoiding single-character operators like "≡".

Further, if a computer system is able to provide this UTF character set 
for source code writing, then one is _allowed_ to assume it can print 
them on the printer, too.

Therefore, it is incongruous to avoid these characters as potential 
operators, while still demanding that D only be implemented on 32-bit 
systems. (We really can assume that from today on, any system purporting 
to be 32-bit, supports at least UTF.)


One neat detail in the language definition would be that any "non 
US-ASCII" single or double character "operator" may actually be defined 
by the user, or in a custom library.

Of course, any well-defined counter argumets are invited here.

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