Where the schedule of D development?

Antonio antonio at abrevia.net
Fri Apr 28 06:36:15 PDT 2006

Lynn Allan escribió:
>> Just... follow the Mono's road map...
> http://www.mono-project.com/Mono_Project_Roadmap
> Hmmmmm ... their Feb, 2006 webpage mentions .Net framework 1.1 being
> the latest ... that isn't a confidence builder.
> OS/2 tried (and failed) to keep up with with Win 3.1x compatibility
> ... while Win9x and WinNt "cleaned its clock."
We don't ned the c# framework or a replication of the library... we need 
to propouse a "common path"...
> Some observations:
> * The battle for the desktop has been over since the DotCom bust. Look
> at RedHat's long term stock chart. Windows is "out in front ... and
> pulling
> away" (on the desktop). I write this as a developer with a crushed
> os/2 career still relatively fresh in my mind, so please don't
> consider me a Redmond toady.
> * A prediction: Steven J. will grow tired of computer outflows
> draining iPod inflows. Who needs another Board of Directors mutiny?
> Does portability matter?
> * Very few people have made any money betting against Bill Gates. (The
> W.B. being perhaps a notable exception, although that is probably a
> long story <g>)
> A Modest Proposal:
> I speculate that one or more of the Very Bright People who participate
> on this list (certainly not including me) would happily work for
> Digital Mars for significantly less than their current hourly rate.

> I further suspect there are Bright wannabe people on this list who
> would work for Digital Mars for $1.00 per hour. With the right smokin'
> material, I would even further speculate that "passing the hat" to pay
> those people might be semi-viable.

> D is certainly not a committee effort (A Good Thing), but my
> impression is that it is mature enough that an obligarchy would be
> appropriate rather than the current monarchy. I doubt even Nicolas
> Wirth could invent his third language today, and get all the libraries
> to be competitive in a reasonable time-frame ...
> (much less the nearly all-important gui debugger. Who besides Bright
> people can get productive with a complicated language without a world
> class debugger? Certainly not this plodder ... who is less than the
> Bright-est bulb in the box)
> An uninformed opinion: Boost is "out in front"   Is it "pulling away?"
> Is the window of opportunity half open or half closed?
The window is really half open:

I think than development market has a gap not really covered by any 
other languaje:

* A lot of peopple need's to work with a primary languaje (without 
virtual machine)... C & C++ (Pascal?) are the key:  When you need to 
work in a very low level and not really big project... C is the best 
one.  If you need a best structured possibility:  C++ is a good option 
(with a hard learn curve... you need only a good project director, very 
clean development rules and a good quality verification fase for each 
development fase).  When you need a fast structured hight level 
development... then Java/C# is a good option (You need the same C++ 
project development rules, but you have a good isolation/independent 
facilities and a good learn curve)

* D is just between C++ & Java/C#: Not Virtual machine, hight 
abstraction level, good learn curve and, here you are the key, D flavour 
and Name:  a C# alternative focused as a C++/C evolution.

D only needs a good infraestructure to cover the gap:
	Best library support.
	A complete debugger (future ide is optional)

Your proposal is clean and acceptable:  a "proto" company with a good 
team producing a core profesional product. Money could be provided by us 
(the community) and the objective could be provided by the own company.

My propossal:

	1.- Create the core team with the best ones.
	2.- The team has to prepare the future D roadmap.
	3.- With the roadmap, people can decide if D future covers their needs 
or if D must be abandoned.
	4.- Let's go with the company.

The market oportunity is waiting for "D"...

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