Walter's annoying habits

Unknown W. Brackets unknown at
Fri Dec 15 20:53:07 PST 2006

Not being perfect?

Not catering to everyone's wishes but instead caring more about the 
greater good of the product?

Wishing to avoid bloat?

Not being eighty people?



> It's time to make a list of Walter's habits that continually annoy us. 
> Here are some of my peeves, to start it off:
> 1. Dodging issues, including important ones such as
> (Why is webnews showing only two messages from this in the thread view, 
> even when viewing the message?)
> 2. Denying responsibility for his
> own slip-ups.  For example, marking what's left of
> INVALID despite this being due to an obvious mistake he made while 
> updating the spec, as well as violating the design of D.  No doubt there 
> are other instances, but I can't seem to think of them at the moment.
> 3. Otherwise hitting the INVALID 'button' without properly analysing 
> things, meaning that it becomes necessary to reopen.
> 4. Implementing his own ideas but keeping even constructive criticism - 
> let alone implementation - of other people's ideas to a minimum.
> 5. Implementing new features when he should be concentrating on getting 
> things working properly.
> 6. Postponing indefinitely, for no apparent reason, folding in fixes 
> people have gone to all the trouble to write.
> 7. Not using a spellchecker.
> 8. Apparently never learning from the spelling corrections we keep 
> giving him.
> (Please forgive me if you _have_ since heeded the advice in
> )
> More contributions to this list would be more than welcome!
> Stewart.

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