If D becomes a failure, what's the key reason, do you think?

Brad Anderson brad at dsource.org
Fri Jul 7 06:41:04 PDT 2006

Boris Wang wrote:
> "Justin C Calvarese" <technocrat7 at gmail.com> 
> ??????:e8kqf9$1hri$1 at digitaldaemon.com...
>> Boris Wang wrote:
>>> "Regan Heath" <regan at netwin.co.nz> ??????:optcaubjpw23k2f5 at nrage...
>>>> Is this your way of asking "what part of D most bothers you and should 
>>>> be fixed before 1.0?"
>>>> If so.. what's your opinion?
>>>> Regan
>>> No, may be something beyond the language itself.
>> Like the power of negative thinking?
>> In my thinking, D should already be more popular than C++ and Java. Sure, 
>> D could benefit from having more cool libraries available (but if there 
>> were a few thousand more fans of D out there it, we could fix that problem 
>> in just a few weeks). ;)
> Hmm,may be, first of all, you can make patch for D, or you can take part in 
> the decision of a feature.

So Boris,

I take this comment to mean you question jcc7's contribution to the D world.
And yet all it says to me is that you are wallowing about in the abyss of
ignorance, having been mercifully spared the ravages of intelligence.

Let's look at the stats:

                jcc7                     boris

First Post    Nov. 2002                April 2006

# of posts
  NG's          1058                      35
  dsource        442                       3

Projects       core32                     any?
               dsource tutorials

Skills         info bloodhound         hollow bitching in the NG

Frankly I'm surprised that I replied to your bullshit post (twice), as I
usually leave garbage like this alone.  Others here should too, but we're
sensitive and proud of our work on D.  And we don't need you questioning one
of our own.  We freely admit there are things wrong with D and talk about them
a lot here in the NG.  Please read the posts from before you started posting
for many answers to your question and cut down on the noise in here.

In summary, shut the fuck up.


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