Import proposals (Ideas)

Dave Dave_member at
Mon Jul 10 11:11:38 PDT 2006

Regan Heath wrote:
 > Sub-thread for ideas.

My preference for syntax and semantics would be:

// regular import w/ optional alias (*, ***)
import std.stdio, std.c.stdlib as stdlib,;

// symbol specific import w/ optional alias (**, ***)
import from std.stdio writef, writefln as print, readf;

// combined (***)
import std.stdio, from std.thread wait as wait, pause, as date;

* Importing an entire module as an alias would then require a FQN to 
access any of the members, for example given the above:
malloc(...); // error
std.c.stdlib.malloc(...); // error
stdlib.malloc(...); // Ok

** A specific symbol that was not aliased would require a FQN to access. 
For example from above:

*** In any case, 'private import' would function as it does now.

This is all heavily based on the ideas of others and a summation of my 
understanding of the relevant threads.


- Dave

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