D Online Presence

Jarno Tuomainen Jarno_member at pathlink.com
Mon May 8 06:31:12 PDT 2006

In article <e3ipce$kr4$1 at digitaldaemon.com>, nick says...
>The thread "Today the Hobbyist, Tommorow, The World!" seems to have
>drawn a group of people interested in improving the online presence of
>D. I read many reassuring posts and decided to create a new thread
>specifically for the purpose of improving the online presence of D.

If that new web site comes into reality, do not forget good (complete and fast
to use) language reference, tutorials and examples. Meaning documentation that
do not assume user is c++ guru with 37 years of coding experience.

Documentation is basically weakest point with D currently, and it needs to be
fixed sooner or later.

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