d-programming-language.org template

Jarrett Billingsley kb3ctd2 at yahoo.com
Thu May 18 13:21:11 PDT 2006

"Brian Hay" <bhay at construct3d.com> wrote in message 
news:446C8BA5.2090900 at construct3d.com...

> Tables are for tabular data, not layouts.
> ...

Of course, the main advantage for using tables for layouts?  Portability.  I 
have had so many problems getting divs to work right, or at least the same 
way, in all browsers (IE especially..).  Tables almost _always_ work the 
same way.

But for something large, like an expansible, wiki-based site, I would 
definitely recommend using CSS layout, if for nothing else, making it 
simpler to generate the pages from the internal databases, and making the 
pages smaller (by not cluttering them with all the presentation code). 

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