What's left for 1.0?

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at billbaxter.com
Fri Nov 17 20:45:59 PST 2006

Bill Baxter wrote:
> So, what's left on everyone's lists for D1.0 must-have features?

For a language that has unheard of features like variadic template 
support (!) one thing that seems oddly immature to me is support for 
static initializers.  Things like:

* No way to initialize a static array without counting elements
     static byte[???] imageData = [...];   // i hope you like counting!

* No way to initialize a dynamic array with a known length
     byte[] imageData;  imageData.length = 5;  // two steps - meh

* No way to initialize array of strings
     char[][] list = ["eggs","bacon","milk","break"];  //uh uh

* No way to initialize non-static struct
     Point p = { x:1.0, y:2.0 };  // nope...not static

* No way to initialize associative array
     char[int] strTable = {"hello":5, "hi":2, "greetings":9}; // no way

I know things have gotten much better since the old days, when there 
weren't even array literals (yikes!), but it still looks pretty 
primitive in some ways compared to C.


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