D Shared Software System name change vote

Georg Wrede georg.wrede at nospam.org
Sat Nov 18 15:52:07 PST 2006

Pragma wrote:

> The day after Edison died the New York Times contained extensive 
> coverage of Edison's life, with the only negative opinion coming from 
> Tesla who was quoted as saying, "He had no hobby, cared for no sort of 
> amusement of any kind and lived in utter disregard of the most 
> elementary rules of hygiene"

Hey, another D hacker!!

Next thing you tell me, Blaise P. was into D too? Or Ada L.? But she'd 
be disgusting like that. Naw, she can't be.



PS, before proofreading I had written Linda instead of Ada.
Laughed out loud when I noticed the Freudian. :-)

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