Could Tk be D's ideal widget set?

Mars nospam at null.void
Sun Oct 8 09:43:23 PDT 2006

> It used to be that much of the actual GUI still ran in Tcl, inside it...

Tk can be accessed both from Tcl (which is the usual thing to do) and 
from C, the canonical example of the latter being Perl/Tk. Embedding Tcl 
in another language is no big issue, Tcl is no more and no less than an 
ordinary C library. Embedding Tcl is not different than, for example, 
embedding SQL in a program written in D (or C++ or Java or whatever.)

The developers of Python, Ruby and Scheme have chosen the "let's link 
against the tcl library" route, but, as already noticed, it is also 
possible to call the C routines directly.

> I think it is more stand-alone these days, and it also seems prettier ?

Yes both seem true, and the upcoming v8.5 is focused on making it look 
even better. See the roadmap at

Tk + The Tile rendering engine uses native widgets in Windows (including 
support for XP themes) and Mac OS X, the X11 version draws its own 
widgets in raw xlib following the Motif style, or a new, somewhat 
improved, look. There is also a project called TileQt that uses Qt as a 
backend, see

> Didn't see any high-level widgets like HTML or OpenGL containers, but.


I think the only reason these are not included as part of Tk itself is 
to keep the library lean and mean. There are several libraries of 
third-party widgets available for Tk, see

> An initial implementation, perhaps ?

I'm just getting started with D and Tcl, this is a tad ambitious for me 
right now.

> And as for the offical DMD library, that is already chosen to be DWT. 

 From what I've been reading its development has halted... Java/D 
developers seem to be scarcer than C/D ones.

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