Games people play

Georg Wrede georg.wrede at
Thu Sep 28 12:34:57 PDT 2006

Brad Anderson wrote:
>>>We only have to become the _preferred_ language in _one_ area! After
>>>that it'll automatically follow that we gain other areas and a huge
>>>general interest.
> I'd like to put this delicately, but I'm not sure how.  In my mind, there's a
> strength of development that exists in game devs that's not there in web devs
> (maybe I'm just talking about myself ;) ).  However, I would guess the web
> devs are out there in larger numbers.  Perhaps this crowd would benefit from
> D's improvements and be the market Georg talks about.

Hmm. I think I see. :-)

At any rate, there are more web developers than games developers, so I 
don't have a problem with it.

My original point, after all, was that we do need to find a proper 
target and focus some effort in actually capturing it.

If it's games developers, web devs, whatever -- the point is that we 
serve D's interest best by giving that group our best. (Simply because 
we can't give our best to everybody, yet.)

The key here is _focus_. I's all the more important at a stage where the 
  number and depth of our libraries is small, general documentation is 
next to nothing, and the little we do have in documentation way is... 
(Not that I'd start throwing rocks in a glass house, I've been asked to 
help with documentation, and I've yet to pick that up. But I aim to.)

Any web developers here? What would _you_ like, wish, need, if you were 
just starting a web project in D?? -- Hmm. Actually, this is _the_ wrong 
forum to ask that. Anybody know somebody who's contemplating and who's 
not yet a D convertee? What's he thinking? What does he need? Or wish to 
get him up to speed?

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