DMD needs branches

Walter Bright newshound1 at
Thu Apr 12 11:23:58 PDT 2007

Chris Miller wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Apr 2007 20:01:12 -0400, Walter Bright 
>> Please let me know which issues are breaking your code. I'll be sure 
>> they get in the test suite so they'll never break again.
> Here's the major one: 
> - but not much info.

Unfortunately, there's not much I can do about it without a failing example.

> The point is that my code worked on the previous DMD version, and now it 
> doesn't compile. Not only this bug, but my code used "ref" as a variable 
> name and had some variables declared after "final:" that weren't meant 
> to have the new meaning of final. This code includes -v1 in the compile 
> script.
> Should -v1 not treat "ref" as a keyword?

It was supposed to not do that, but there was a bug in that code. It's 
been corrected now.

> Even more painful, should -v1 
> not apply "final" to variables? Branching would make these easier.

I'll fix that as well for -v1.

> Any slip up on your part makes it that much harder on those who maintain 
> and distribute code. Of course branches don't fix everything, but it's 
> about maximizing stability and reliability and minimizing potential issues.

I understand how frustrating it can be. I'll try to get an update out 
today that addresses these.

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