Overloading/Inheritance issue

Walter Bright newshound1 at digitalmars.com
Tue Aug 7 17:30:21 PDT 2007

Bruno Medeiros wrote:
> But again this was a shell-specific point. When programming, I don't 
> recall ever *having the need* to do a series of repeated actions in an 
> IDE. Perhaps you can give an example?

Here are some:

. global file renaming
. running automated test suites
. interfile search/replace across a subset of the project files
. copying a subset of the project files into another directory
. running the debugger with the same complex set of commands, over and over

> (The closest I recall is "refactoring" C++ code, but that's something 
> where the CLI won't help you either)

Sure it does, the CLI has very powerful text processing tools available 
to it.

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