Biggest problems w/ D

renoX renosky at
Thu Aug 9 22:26:25 PDT 2007

C. Dunn a écrit :
> After converting a large, system-level program to D, I can name the
> biggest problems:
> 2) No 64-bit support. This not only limits memory usage, but also
> causes 2x runtime on my AMD processor.  My D code is the same speed
> as my 32-bit C++ code, but both are 2x slower than 64-bit C++ code.
> Same compiler.  Same machine.

Your code must do a lot of 64b computation!

When the AMD64 was released benchmarks made showed at best a 20% 
improvement, which is quite a lot to get with a simple recompilation 
assuming the code is 64b clean of course but is nowhere 2x.

Either your code makes a lot of 64b computations or there are issue on 
the 32b version of your C++ code.

That said, its a problem with DMD not with D, if memory serves GDC 
supports 64b code generation.


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