Can i use D for OS develop.

knott knott at
Thu Aug 16 11:25:02 PDT 2007

Paul Collier Wrote:

> knott wrote:
> > Hello. Before i start, i must apologize for my poor English.
> > 
> > Can i use D language for OS development(Non-core - user mode devel)?
> If you're talking about OS development, there are at least two projects 
> to write a kernel in D. You can see them at If you're 
> talking userspace development, I think you'll find that 95% of D 
> projects already run in userspace ;) If you're talking about something 
> in the middle, you can always bind D code to C APIs and disable the 
> garbage collector if needed.

Im talking about a userspace development in system which in early stage of development.
I want to write program on system which have only small(not full) C library.

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