DSSS and multiple intermingled environments

Stéphan Kochen stephan at kochen.nl
Tue Aug 28 10:05:34 PDT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Gregor Richards schreef:
> DSSS seems to be getting a lot of flak recently because it's not
> particularly happy being used with multiple versions of DMD, GDC, etc
> all layered together.

I see this as a more complex problem than just a problem with DSSS. But
maybe I'm making assumptions here that are incorrect, so feel free to
correct me.

If I'm not mistaken, the (new) goal with standard libraries is to have
them live peacefully next to each other with a minimal layer that
provides the necessary language support (dynamic arrays, garbage
collection, etc.).

Furthermore, D has a documented ABI, and I assume that this is supposed
to be a standard ABI (at some point). This means that libraries compiled
using different compilers will be compatible. (like C)

Lots of this is still far away (if at all planned), but this means that
the only problem left for DSSS is to simply select a compiler. And
that's an option that is already available from what I've gathered.

The two problems mentioned really have been D annoyances all along. It
seems to me that the flak you were getting was just another rant about
these two problems, the _real_ problems. DSSS ended up unjustly mingled
in with these rants.

You are already walking the right path with DSSS, in my opinion.

- -- Stéphan
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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