Using D, not developing D...

Leandro Lucarella llucarella at
Fri Feb 23 07:31:57 PST 2007

Frits van Bommel escribió:
> kris wrote:
>> Frits van Bommel wrote:
>>> Henrik Harmsen wrote:
>>>> Which version of DMD should I use if I need a stable compiler?
>>>> I want to use D for developing an application but I need a stable 
>>>> compiler (as bug free as possible). Will there be a fork into devel 
>>>> and stable? For me, that's necessary.
> [snip -v1 explanation]
>> Can't do that when the runtime and GC changes -- it was kinda unstable 
>> for a few releases there, and -v1 won't affect it (obviously)
> Yes, that was a problem for a while. But then you could just hold off on 
> upgrading[1], or if the runtime is still binary-compatible you can use 
> the old runtime with the new compiler.

Yes, but you don't get the bugfixes then. I think a stable and 
unstable/testing/development branch is needed. In the stable branch, 
only well known, well tested, small bugfixes should be added (no new 

If you want to use new features, use the unstable branch but be aware 
that things may break.

Leandro Lucarella
Integratech S.A.

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