Book about D

Daniel Keep daniel.keep.lists at
Fri May 11 01:33:36 PDT 2007

Denton Cockburn wrote:
> Anyone planning a 'proper' book about D?
> I'd nominate someone like Andrei, he's got the experience with this stuff.

As part of using D for my honours project, my supervisor asked me to
write a primer for D.  Currently, I'm writing it from the perspective of
starting with C, going over the differences between it and D, and then
moving on to the stuff that isn't in C, along with how to do common
tasks like string manipulation.

I'll definitely be releasing it once it's finished; just have to finish
it first :P  I'm thinking a CC license, at this point.

	-- Daniel

int getRandomNumber()
    return 4; // chosen by fair dice roll.
              // guaranteed to be random.


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