Phobos sockets

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at
Fri Nov 16 20:10:44 PST 2007

Martin Hess wrote:
> I'm trying to figure which socket API to use in Phobos. There appears to 
> be 3 choices for linux:
> 1) A general version: std.socket
> 2) A linux version: std.c.linux.socket
>     - this one gets a version assert on X86_64
> 3) The last isn't really a socket class but it has the socket calls: 
> std.c.unix.unix. It is used by version #1 above.
> Version #2 redeclares the c socket api that is declared in #3
> Are all 3 versions considered public?
> Is #2 really just for X86, or should it also work with any Unix/BSD 
> socket implementation?
> Which one is best tested? Which of course leads to the question is there 
> any kind of test suite for Phobos?

All the std.c.* packages are just ports of the C header files to let you 
link with native C standard library functions.  I've never used sockets 
in D, so I don't know for sure, but I'd guess 1) is the one you should 
be using since it was made specifically for D.


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