Proposal: Make [][x] and [][a..b] illegal (reserve for multidimensional arrays)

Oskar Linde oskar.lindeREM at
Fri Nov 23 02:50:10 PST 2007

Don Clugston wrote:

> Would be nice to know if that __dollar behaviour is a 
> half-finished/unannounced/forgotten feature by Walter, or just a bug. I 
> suspect it's an Easter egg. I wonder how long it's been there.

It has been there quite some time. Since the introduction of $ in DMD 
0.116 in fact. I've been toying with __dollar before, it just never 
occurred to me that it could be used as a global identifier in this way.

I leave to Walter to answer whether it is an intentional feature or not. 
The front end sources doesn't make that very clear.


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