questions on PhanTango 'merger' (was Merging Tangobos into Tango)- long-term vision

Michael Hewitt dlangassist at
Thu Oct 11 10:15:45 PDT 2007


I'm sure what I'm about to say is both naive and obvious, but hopefully it 
will be helpful nonetheless.  As an experienced C++ programmer and new D 
programmer who is considering using D as our primary development language, 
I come at this from a very simple perspective.  I don't really think in terms 
of Phobos and Tango.  I think in terms of the D runtime (aka Phobos) and 
other useful D libraries.  Tango seems like it might have some useful OO 
functionality, but since it is not compatible with the D runtime, I am unable 
to use it.

Bill and Benjamin's lists seem good to me, but even if Tango supported non-OO 
versions of these, I still am inclined toward my admittedly simplistic attitude 
of starting with "the D runtime".  Thus, until Tango either is "the D runtime" 
(i.e. Phobos is deprecated), or is compatible with "the D runtime", I am 
unlikely to use it.  One other comment is that the C-ish flavor of the D 
runtime (e.g. stdio) is quite palatable to new D programmers coming from 
C/C++, of whom there are bound to be many in the future if D is successful. 
 Another comment is that two competing, incompatible runtime libraries is 
a detriment to attracting new programmers to D.

I hope this is helpful.  I don't mean to start a war; I'm just providing 
insight from the perspective of a new D programmer coming from C/C++.

- Mike

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