D Conference Tango Phobos

Mike Streatfield dnewsgroup.c at talyst.me.uk
Wed Sep 12 10:17:28 PDT 2007

Alexander Panek wrote:
> simax wrote:
>> Seem so that phobos developer and the tango developer are 
>> incompartible. IMO this is the biggest argument against D.
> I don't think so. Since when is diversification a contra-argument?

Having two different, incompatibile, standard libraries makes 
integrating code between the two a pain, especially when it comes to 
using external libraries, for example. I suppose this might be mitigated 
by using static libraries but that's not really ideal in a lot of cases. 
For example you'll still have to deal with the fact that phobos objects 
use toString and tango objects toUtfX.

Another argument I've seen is that by asking people to learn two 
different standard libraries, each with their own distinct design 
philosophy, you essentially make D two separate languages in terms of 
using components to perform common tasks. I suppose that also means that 
people unfamiliar with one or the other library can't help people with 
problems in the other as effectively.

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