Two "standard" libraries???

John Demme me at
Sun Sep 16 11:01:07 PDT 2007

Peter C. Chapin wrote:

> Jarrett Billingsley wrote:
>> I wouldn't say "everybody happy."  I think it's terrible.  You still have
>> two libraries that provide more or less the same functionality but with
>> two
>> completely different designs.  Conceptually it just doesn't make sense,
>> even
>> if they can be used together.  Tango is meant to _supplant_ phobos, not
>> _work along side it_.
> Personally I don't have a problem with two different libraries that do
> more or less the same thing getting used together. It happens a lot.
> Suppose library X uses (for example) XML library A, and library Y uses
> XML library B. A program wishing to use both X and Y ends up using,
> indirectly, two different XML libraries. So what? The problem here is
> that Phobos and Tango can't both (easily) be used in the same program.
> Once that matter is fixed then the problem is solved as far as I can see.
> Peter

Here's a compatibility issue I used to have all the time when I used phobos
+ mango... XML Lib A uses streams for i/o.  HTTP Servlet engine
B uses streams for i/o... Now I can't interface them.  It might be
possible to write a wrapper class to translate calls from one to the other,
but this isn't always possible or efficient since !=
for a reason- the fundamental design is different.

~John Demme
me at

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