Two "standard" libraries???

Julio César Carrascal Urquijo jcarrascal at
Mon Sep 17 13:15:16 PDT 2007

Alexander Panek wrote:
> It's PHP. I don't suspect anything clean from /that/, honestly. [This 
> statement is to be taken with a grain of salt. I've been working much 
> with PHP, and it's just a beast. A very, very ugly beast. With horns'n 
> such.]

OK. Don't count PHP then. Apache and Python both have different AND 
separate Regex libraries. Not to count runtime, threading, etc...

I mean, Apache and Python are both open source. They could very well use 
the same regex library but they don't and you have to use two different 

The point is that it's not an uncommon case as it has been stated.

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