Proposal: Alias more powerful concurrency, and more powerful manipulation of try block

DavidL Davidl at
Fri Sep 21 20:42:42 PDT 2007

Consider the following:
here I propose two syntax, firstly scope(char[] ScopeName){} ,this syntax  
name those unnamed scope,
and it also make alias for named scope.

void func(){} <-- this a named scope
for(;;){}  <-- here is a anonymous scope

scope("myscope"){ void func(){} } <--- we set up an alias "myscope" for  
scope("forscope"){for(;;){}}  <--- we name the anonymous scope with  
for(;;)scope("forscope"){} should do exactly the same as  

ok, now we come to the second syntax proposal.
void func()
    int symbol;
void anotherfunc()
    alias func.symbol localsymbol;  // here i tend to introduce the symbol  
for local stack simulation for concurrency manipulation.

a little bit more complicated situation

void func()
   int symbol;
   for(int i;i<200;i++) scope("myscope"){


void anotherfunc()
   alias func.myscope.i funci; //  now if we get the same EBP of execution  
of func, the compiler would ensure us the &func.myscope.i should be the  
same as &funci. If func.myscope.i is optimized to registers, the compiler  
would ensure funci also access the value through the register which  
func.myscope.i use.

Let's go a little bit further and concern the parameters of a func :

void func(int fancyarg, ...)


void anotherfunc()
   alias func.fancyarg funcparam;
   alias func.__parameter funcelipsisparams;


Ok , what's the motivation of proposing such a feature?

consider cheap concurrency:

void func()
   int i;
   int j;
   //library yield func

the yield is fine, but we lose the opportunity of interacting with func

and consider a classical situation of a signal and handling.
Windows SEH specific(though I think this could also be done on Linux):

char globalchar;
int FilterFunc()
   alias func1.flag flag;
   alias func1.p p;
   // i emit the code of making the context the same as func1. The SEH can  
provide us the exact the same context with fucn1
   if (flag>2) // we can do some fancy operation , the code here just mean  
to illustrate the manipulation of the context of func
     return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER;  // really handle the exception in  
our handler block.
     p= &globalchar;
     // call some signal handle func
     return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION;  // we can continue the execution  
of func , with *p points to globalchar


void func()
   __try         // original SEH try
   // i hope if D could expose some kind of this low level exception  
manipulation to us.
   __ecept(FilterFunc)  //original SEH catch block with calling to filter  
func firstly to determine what to do with the exception.
      // we only come to here with func1.flag > 2


void func1()
   int flag;
   char *p=cast(char*)0;
   *p=0;			// trigger the exception. The filter func gets run. now we get p  
points to globalchar
   assert(p !is null);
   *p=0;                 // trigger the exception. The filter func gets  
run. Now the exception really get thrown to the func. func handler gets run

The above is useful for creating some complicated obfuscating code of  
preventing someone from debugging :D
Though it's a nice try to give an alternative of current signal & slot by  
using exceptions.

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