The Death of D. (Was Tango vs Phobos)

Nick B nick.barbalich at
Thu Aug 14 03:30:20 PDT 2008

Walter Bright wrote:
> Paul D. Anderson wrote:
>> But what I
>> would really like to see (and I don't think it's asking too much) is
>> a clear statement from Walter that he will indeed make the changes
>> the Tango developers are asking for at some future date.
> In order for this to happen, I need a clear and unambiguous statement 
> from the Tango developers that Phobos can incorporate parts of the Tango 
> runtime and place them under the Phobos license. I have already provided 
> a reciprocal license to Tango.
> I've asked for that for over a year, and so far only Sean and Don have 
> done so.
> Such an agreement is necessary for the following reasons:
> 1. To ensure Phobos is free of any legal taint and any accusations of 
> stealing code.
> 2. To avoid the untenable issue of a single module in Phobos having 
> different license for different lines of code.
> I have explained this to the main Tango developers on multiple 
> occasions. It is their right and privilege to license Tango as they see 
> fit, and I respect that and so have not spoken out on it before. But in 
> this thread I am being cast as a roadblock, which I feel is a little 
> unfair, so I will loosen my tongue and speak up a bit :-)

[Don wrote] The number of people that have touched the runtime layer of 
Tango is very limited.

Walter has confirmed that Sean & Don gave given him the legal statement 
he requires.

So who are the other Tango developers who have submitted code for the 
runtime layer ?

Would these developers like to comment as to why they would, or would 
not, like to give such a legal statement to Walter ?

Nick B.

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