Is the module system in D fundamentally flawed?

torhu no at spam.invalid
Sun Aug 17 14:52:43 PDT 2008

z wrote:
> Anyone can give a summary, or guilelines on how to live with D's module system
> to avoid some common mistakes.

There are several bug reports relating to this problem, so it's a well 
known issue.  I suppose Walter doesn't see it as a high priority right 
now, since you can always work around it.  And getting D 2.0 out done is 
more pressing.  But yes, it does suck.  It's one of those things you can 
hardly believe the first time you see it.  Or the second or third.  You 
just need to learn to live with it.  Sooner or later it will have to get 

You can try to be diciplined about how your import tree looks like, 
that's my best suggestion.  Try to avoid circular imports.  Sometimes 
you need to some move code into a module of its own, etc.  Just document 
it as a workaround, and change it back when time comes.

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