TextPad Syntax File?

Benji Smith dlanguage at benjismith.net
Tue Aug 26 14:53:09 PDT 2008

Benji Smith wrote:
> I've attached the TP syntax file I've put together, in case anyone is 
> interested. It's up-to-date with the language spec, as of 1.034 and 2.018.
> Using this file, you should get keyword coloring for all D language 
> keywords, as well as for the inline assembler syntax, with different 
> colors for language keywords, ASM directives, register names, and opcodes.
> I'll also send a copy to the TextPad website, so that they can update 
> their link.
> --benji

Oops. Ignore that last one. Use this one instead.

In the previous one, I mentioned in the comments that the D2 string 
aliases were included (string, dstring, wstring), but I forgot to put 
them in the keyword listing.


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