Other language features you'd want in D

Jari-Matti Mäkelä jmjmak at utu.fi.invalid
Thu Feb 28 06:22:21 PST 2008

On Thu, 28 Feb 2008, bearophile wrote:

> downs:
>> so ["foo", "bar"] should be char[3][2], as currently, but ["foo", "barf"] should use
>> char[][2] automatically,
> Too much automatic things may lead to problems. I don't like that too much.
> I'd like a more systematic (uniform) behavior there (for example:
> "always create dynamic array when not explicitly specified otherwise").

Having the most general case as default is easier to remember. But if one 

   char[3][2] foo = [ "foo", "bar" ];

it should still be able to unify the types. Having the opposite as default 
is annoying since it can lead to subtle bugs. I once had an array of 
strings that worked just fine with Stdout() (in tango), but FilePath 
couldn't find the file. Even strace couldn't reveal the bug. But adding 
missing []s fixed it.

> Bye,
> bearophile

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