Notes IV

Robert Fraser fraserofthenight at
Wed Jan 23 21:04:42 PST 2008

downs wrote:

>>> Disagreed. Code space isn't limited; I see no reason to leave out functions that might be useful.<
>> Brain space is limited; from experience I have seen that a language that "fits the brain" allows you to code much faster.
> Just because it's there doesn't mean you have to learn it :)

True, if you're the only one coding. But if there are 20 different 
people working on a project, who know 20 different subsets of the 
language, then it becomes a huge issue. Especially if you're maintaining 
code written by someone else. This is a big issue with C++, since there 
are so many weird & unexpected rules, and it's becoming so with D as new 
features are added.

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