Newbie to D initial suggestion

Edward Diener eddielee_no_spam_here at
Sun Jan 27 09:49:17 PST 2008

Bill Baxter wrote:
> Edward Diener wrote:
>> I am an experienced C++ programmer who became interested in D only 
>> after the recent discussion on comp.lang.c++ between Walter Bright and 
>> various C++ experts regarding undefined or implementation defined 
>> areas of C++. I realized during reading that discussion that while I 
>> would not stop programming in C++ I was sympathetic to many of Mr. 
>> Bright's points regarding C++.
> Welcome!
>> 2) Since D is highly related to C++ there should be a document for C++ 
>> programmers detailing the differences between D and C++, which again 
>> is downloadable almost immediately from the main web page of D. I did 
>> not find any such document although there is occasional mention of 
>> these diferences in the pdf document I downloaded.
> I started putting together a porting document, which might give you some 
> hints.  But it's definitely not the user friendly intro document you're 
> after. It assumes you basically know how both C++ and D work.  But it 
> might give some hints as to what the most painful differences are:
> I also just noticed this:

I see now that one should click on the Comparisons... menu item to get 
what I want regarding the information a C++ programmer would need to 
understand D. Thanks for pointing this out.

>> 3) There is evidently a version 2.0 and above of D. Perhaps it is not 
>> meant for anybody to become interested in this version who is just 
>> attempting to learn what D is about, but the complete lack of any 
>> documentation which I could find about this version and/or its 
>> difference from the 1.0 version is not a good thing.
> We keep telling Walter this, but I suppose he's too busy to fix it. 
> Congrats to you for figuring out what was going on!  Yes, 2.0 is still 
> in flux.  Go that way only if you want bleeding edge, and don't mind 
> your code breaking from time to time on updates.

I will ignore 2.0 for now.

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