[~ot] why is programming so fun?

Don nospam at nospam.com.au
Fri Jun 6 04:11:34 PDT 2008

Chris R. Miller wrote:
> Either way, we can bicker about religion all day long, and never get 
> anywhere because religion is a completely subjective topic.  It's 
> different because it's at its core it's a belief, therefore there is no 
> intrinsically right or wrong answer.   There's only the answer of the
 > individual, which looses its "correctness" the moment it leaves scope
 > of the individual.

There is absolutely nothing subjective about it.
Either there is a god, or gods, or there is not.

Like the question, is there life on Mars?
We can all have different opinions, but it doesn't change the facts.
Just because we're ignorant of something, doesn't make it a matter of 

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