range stuff

superdan super at dan.org
Mon Feb 16 17:21:00 PST 2009

a'ight i've read all range stuff n ruminated on it for a while. yer ranges suck goat balls. something's amiss.

yer have ranges that generate stuff.  some even ferever. then yer have ranges that eat stuff output ranges that is. but there's no range that has both input and output. some sort of filter ranges. yer should connect stuff together to get chains n stuff. see? i'm sayin': why would ya have a piehole & an asshole if yer don't have a stomach.

i/o ranges are a missing link. if yer smart u can unify range stuff and stream stuff together. then stream or range it's all the same. not sure its possible but if it is only yer can pull it. that would be dogs bollocks.

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