D2 Multithreading Architecture - Part 2 - Time to vote if you think this should be included in D2 .

Nick B nick.barbalich at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 01:00:04 PDT 2009

Jason House wrote:
> Bartosz's latest blog implies he's settled on a design. I'm curious if that means dmd 2.031 will finally contain the critical changes for that.
> If I understand the blog cirrectly, the design (in a nutshell) is as follows:
> 1. Data passing between threads reqires shared, unique, or invariant
> 2. Shared variables will include the proper monitor to lock in order to use them
> 3. Shared variabled ensure sequential consistency
> 4. Lockless programming will be supported
> Did I miss anything or get anything wrong? I know there are specific details yet to be shared, and I tried to not elaborate on specific points.

Back on April 29th, Jason posted this summary, above, of Bartosz's 
proposal.  Bartosz, since then, has posted more details.

This one on May 26th :


and this one on June 2nd


Now there seems to be some difference of opinion as to if Bartosz's 
proposal should be included in D2.

So if you have been reading these posts with interest, AND you think 
this should be included with D2 then place your vote.

Hopefully Walter, balancing all the demands on his time, will notice 
what the community has said it would like, and commit to include 
bartosz's proposal into D2 before it is finalized.

Here is my vote. +1.

please vote.

Nick B

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