C tips (again)

superdan super at dan.org
Fri May 1 09:58:06 PDT 2009

bearophile Wrote:

> superdan:
> > d00d. u first messed with k&r which are Gods. any1 mess'n' with Gods better bring around some fuckin' supergod instead.<
> I have not appreciated that book, I don't care of what you say.

fine. personal preference is kewl.

> I am generally able to see good books when I see then.

where the mother fuck did that come from. first u say preference is relative. /u/ didn't like k&r. fine. then u make it fuckin' absolute. if k&r was any good, u bet ur ass bearophile had figured that out. that's fucked up like a hooker in downtown bangkok.

> I guess that author has more programming experience than all my teachers combined.

experience is nuttin'. it's what u learn from it. half the dimwits in my office have more of it than me. & they dun miss any opportunity to fuckin' /remind/ me whenever their incompetence comes forth. `superdan u should know i have 18 years of experience designing shit'. `yeah then why is ur design fucked up with a dry cock up its ass. kiss my black ass if in 18 years u didn't learn any.' shit. if i hear one more dood invokin' experience as central argument i swear i go fuckin' postal.

> >the trailin' empty array trick is so ol' it smells like ol' people.<
> Of course few or none of those things are new. C is around for a lot of time. The author never says he's inventing things.
> But the way he is combining those things, the rigor he shows, creates something I have not seen elsewhere.

u havent been around much, that's the prob. check this shit out. http://www.amazon.com/Hackers-Delight-Henry-S-Warren/dp/0201914654. then come back.

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