OT: on IDEs and code writing on steroids

BCS none at anon.com
Sun May 17 15:08:21 PDT 2009

Hello Brad,

> My other problem with IDE's, such as eclipse, is that it's such an all
> or nothing investment.  You can't really just use part of it.  You
> must buy in to it's editor, it's interface with your SCM, it's
> scriptures of indentation style, etc.  Trying to deviate from any of
> it is such a large pain that it's just not worth it -- more so as the
> team working on a project gets larger.

For VS, you might have a point. However for D, I use Descent and I haven't 
found any of those to be a problem. Getting people to agree on how to set 
it up I expect would be a bigger problem.

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