OT: on IDEs and code writing on steroids

grauzone none at example.net
Tue May 19 09:15:51 PDT 2009

> and the .net cil is a genious idea. The most succefull compilers are the 
> ones that recognize that there is multiple languages, multiple 
> archictectures and that there should be something in the middle. CIL 
> just leaves it in the middle code until the last minute. MS may not do 
> the best operating systems but the whole .net thing is very good in my 

And what exactly is good about byte code?

It's portable? My D code is portable too. Sure, it requires 
recompilation, but it doesn't need a clusterfuck-VM just for running it.

> opinion and I think sun is better for there solaris than there java.

.Net is just Microsoft's Java clone, and Sun didn't invent byte code either.

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