D loosing the battle

gzp galap at freemail.hu
Tue Nov 10 23:46:21 PST 2009

Thanks for all. Well, it seems as all of my concerns are answered somewhere on the net. So than i have only one more request left, please update the web pages on the http://www.digitalmars.com/d/2.0/... to have references to the more verbose net sources (and not just at the additional links)

Ex. I've been checking the http://www.digitalmars.com/d/2.0/future.html and other page from the site all the time, to see what's going on and didn't even know (didn' even thought of ) there exists  more detailed pages of this topic (as I thought the official site should have all the main informations). 

So please emphasize the wiki4D a little bit more (like in the overview, on the future page, so  on) on the official page. I think it'd  help newbies a lot to find informations more easily.

So thanks - this a reason I like D+community, they always answer my questions :)

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