How Nested Functions Work, part 1

Daniel Keep daniel.keep.lists at
Wed Sep 2 21:41:39 PDT 2009

Jarrett Billingsley wrote:
> ...
> void foob(T: Ret function(Args), Ret, Args...)(T func)
> {
> 	pragma(msg, ParameterTupleOf!(T).stringof);
> 	static void wtf(ParameterTupleOf!(T) args) {}
> 	pragma(msg, ParameterTupleOf!(T).stringof);
> }
> void blah(int, ref float) {}
> void aojkjas()
> {
> 	foob(&blah);
> }
> Okay, look at foob's body. Both pragmas should print out the same thing, no?
> They don't.
> They print:
> (int, ref float)
> (int _param_0, float _param_1)
> WHAT. For one, where did the 'ref' go? For two, where did the names
> come from? Also, if you look at typeof(&wtf), it's also missing the
> ref.

Yeah, I've noticed this, too.  Parameter tuples are just outright screwed.

> I'd really, really like to replace your entire module with this:
> Ret delegate(Args) toDg(T: Ret function(Args), Ret, Args...)(T func)
> {
> 	struct Wrap
> 	{
> 		T mFunc;
> 		Ret call(Args args)
> 		{
> 			return (cast(T)this)(args);
> 		}
> 	}
> 	Ret delegate(Args) dg;
> 	Wrap wrap;
> 	dg.ptr = func;
> 	dg.funcptr = &;
> 	return dg;
> }

You and me both.  That said, this code is ported from an experimental
library for binding D to lua; it used something similar to detect ref
and out and change the function signature (outs became multiple returns,
for example).

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