D Language 2.0

Leandro Lucarella llucax at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 09:30:57 PST 2010

Walter Bright, el 18 de enero a las 14:31 me escribiste:
> >	More seriously, I don't expect D to see much usage in the embedded
> >market unless it becomes a huge success on the PC first (if then).
> >But nothing you can do on the technical front will change that: it's
> >mostly due to prejudice and preconceptions, not an actual
> >cost-benefit evaluation of the language.
> Yeah, I know, I run into the pseudo-problem all the time of D using
> garbage collection. I point out that you can call/use malloc in D as
> easily as you can in C++, but it makes no difference. They're
> convinced that gc will send their app to hell. <g>
> I fault Java, C#, Python, etc., for some of this anti-gc silliness
> because those languages make it really hard to use malloc. They just
> don't believe that malloc is trivial to use in D.

Well, I think it's a little D's fault too, because several language
features use the GC (and all the stdlib as well). It's trivial to use
malloc in D, but, even when it's possible, it's not so easy to completely
avoid the GC. You just have to be too careful, and I think the features
that use the GC are not very well documented (same for Phobos).

So I think the GC-will-get-in-the-way fear in D is not totally
unjustified, even when malloc is trivial to use.

Leandro Lucarella (AKA luca)                     http://llucax.com.ar/
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